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05/10/2007 Town Meeting
 Town of Cheverly

Meeting Minutes

May 10, 2007

Call to Order

Mayor Mosley called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. in the Cheverly Community Center.  There were ? citizens in attendance. 

In attendance:  Mr. Warrington, Attorney Colaresi, Chief Robshaw, CMs Oslik, Watson, Ford and Callahan.

Pledge of Allegiance

Farewell to CM Oladele

Swearing in of Mayor and Town Council


Minutes - Town Meeting – 4/12/07

Approved as written.


Minutes – Worksession – 4/26/07

Approved as written.


Town Administrators Report

Mr. Warrington reported that r

Public Works Department

Police Department Report

Chief Robshaw thanked

PROCLAMATION – Recognizing Brendan Harder, Eagle Scout

Mayor Mosley read the Proclamation (attached to original of the minutes).

Brendan Harder thanked everyone for their supporting.


Mayor and Council Announcements

Mayor Mosley announced that

Worksession Agenda:

Committee Reports

Recreation Council

Cheverly Day

CM Watson announced the Cheverly Day Dance is on May 18.

CM Watson announced that there will be a tennis tournament on May 12 at 9:00 AM until approximately noon.  Registration will be open until the tournament starts.   Players will meet at the pool parking lot t 9:00 AM and should bring their own racquets.

Citizen Input

There was no citizen input.

Tremont Communication Tower Update

CM Callahan reported that Prince George’s County is upgrading its public safety network to increase first responder efficiency.  There will be 23 300 foot towers constructed; one of which is being proposed for Tremont where there currently exists a nonfunctioning WSSC water tower.  This tower is currently being used to float a Verizon cell antenna.   The proposal was to disassemble this tower and assemble a public safety tower.  This tower would be at minimum 65 feet taller than the WSSC tower.  A number of meetings were held with residents and CMs with the Public Safety Department where it was proposed to erect a tower on Hospital Hill.  Deputy Secretary McBride considered concerns, joined the April last Worksession and has agreed to proceed with the Hospital Hill proposal.  Final confirmation of this agreement is anticipated. 

Discussion FY 08 Budget and Capital Improvement Program

Mr. Warrington summarized that the Mayor and Council have reviewed the draft and he is presenting replacement pages that incorporate increases in property and tangible property taxes.  Those additions changed the numbers and changed expenditures.  The resale of the Route 450 property revenue was potential revenue removed.  The developer is paying 3% on the Town’s cost of $281,400.  That line item was placed in revenue because of its anticipated sale, but the Mayor and Council recommended removing it because the sale was not guarantee.  Therefore, It has been listed under total revenues if it does get sold.   Should the property sell, portions of those funds have been earmarked for road projects, including the tearing down of the palm reading establishment; which be turned in to green space.

Capital Improvement projects include: installation of new locks at the Town Hall, construction of the hiker/biker trail, the Phase II equipment shelter, sidewalk curb and gutter, purchase of one new police vehicle and one new public works vehicle, new street lights, future green space acquisition, purchase of pads for the gymnasium, concession area study, benches for Gast Park and Boyd Park basketball court resurfacing and basketball goals.  Mr. Warrington added that he is still taking input from residents and hopes to get a County Livability Grant to replace the announcement sign in Bellamy Park.  A 3% cost of living increase has been added as well as increases in utilities and costs associated with the new building.  Postage increases have also been factored. 

Mayor Mosley added that the budget will be discussed at the May Worksession and passed at the June Town Meeting. 

CM Callahan believed that raising taxes now to grow the fund balance in time to cover the Town’s current expenditures. 

CM Watson added that property tax increase would not be realized for a few years; which will not fund current budget items.  He is not comfortable with increasing taxes more than $.03. 

Mayor Mosley added that no votes have been taken on the budget.  This year’s final income amount will not be finalized until taxes have been collected. 

CM Schacther added that there is not much the Town can do to increase revenues other than by increasing taxes.  There is even less they can do to reduce expenses.  He made a few recommendations for increasing revenues including making recycling mandatory.

CM Callahan added that it is important for residents to check “Cheverly” on their income taxes.  If not, the Town does not receive proper revenue.

Mayor Mosley explained rebate property taxes.  A plan to repopulate the Industrial Park was created and revenue increased considerably.  The County had a number of programs that allowed business to take additional tax credits.    The Town has since opted out of that program.

Mr. Warrington explained that this is ordinance serves as an introduction to the budget and allows the Mayor and Council to waive three readings so that it can be adopted at the June Town Meeting.  It will be affective immediately in order for the Town to report the tax rate.


Attorney Colaresi explained that the Town is being asked to participate in Tax Incentive Financing for the Point at Cheverly.  Banks and private finance companies do not finance parking garages for redevelopment projects.  Cheverly is being asked to give any tax increases related to the development be dedicated to the development.  The question is whether this garage will be designated for public use – if not, it cannot be considered tax-exempt.  It has been suggested that the Town’s Bond Council be consulted versus the County’s Bond Council in order to get a quicker answer on whether this project qualifies for public financing.  It is being asked that the Town’s Bond Council’s opinion be sought at the expense of the developer.

§t>CM Watson moved that the Mayor and Council authorize the bond council to offer her opinion on the TIF proposal to the County at the expense of the developer.  Seconded by Vice Mayor Ford.

Discussion.  Attorney Colaresi reread the motion:

That we direct our bond council to render an opinion on the tax-exempt status of the proposed TIF to the Town at the expense of the developer.  CMs Watson and Ford accepted the reread.  Unanimously approved, 5-0.

Mayor Mosley thanked the citizens for voting in recent the Council election.

Meeting adjourned ?? PM.

Town of Cheverly
Summary of Action
May 10, 2007
